Thursday, September 23, 2021

We are all of the same

 We are all of the same, recycled, carbon, and so it will be again. 

Because of love

Because of love, I am an artist, and because of suffering, I am an artist; because I will die, I am an artist, and because I have lived, I am an artist; because I know everything, I am an artist, and because I understand nothing, I am an artist. 

The triangle and circle

 The triangle and circle are the foundation to everything. 

I tell myself often

 I tell myself often that procrastination is a wholistic approach to completing life. 

The act of preserving one's existence

The act of preserving one's existence, when placed in circumstances where obliteration of the individual or group seems the ultimate goal, is a radical act of resilience and resistance; the choice to persevere despite and in spite of what may be bleak circumstances is an assertion of will against the intention of another's worked-toward and desired outcome. This is the first and most important tenant to resistance: assure survival first. 

The best lies

 The best lies come candied in truth.